All too often I hear people say they want a therapist to “fix” them. Sometimes there is a cheekiness or sense of self-deprecation to their tone (especially when it pertains to mental health therapy), but regardless, this mentality of helplessness when it comes to our health hinders our ability to heal. Usually when we want something to be better - be it a hobby, ability, shortcoming, pain, or annoyance - we just want it to be via desire alone, simply willed better. Unfortunately, while there’s no genie coming through with free wishes in this or any other aspect of our lives, effort and intention are some driving forces that can produce real change in the areas we desire.
Even in moments of breakthroughs and successes with clients, hearing someone tell me “you fixed me” makes me feel compelled to rephrase the statement. I shift the focus back onto them and the effort and intention they have put in to show up for themselves and their bodies. I can’t fix people, and no therapist can. All a practitioner can do is give you their professional tools for you to apply to your life.
Sure, when you step into the therapist’s door, you are usually intending on making a difference in your world. It is a goal every time I see a client that they leave feeling better. But if you come to a therapist with the expectation that nothing can help, I guarantee that nothing will help. You are making sure of it.
Manifestation might seem “woo-woo”, but its power is undeniable. If you want “better” you have to know what “better” looks like to you. Similarly, you have to be open to accept change where there is a deficit between you and “better”. It doesn’t
have to be so obvious or radical, because change and healing usually is not grandiose. Many big changes start from simple beginnings. However, when you see an entry or a sign that it is time to pursue the path of “better,” whatever it looks like to you, take it at face value. It’s never too late to begin new practices and correct negative ingrained habits.
Nothing will “fix you”–you are perfectly imperfect. Pursuing my practice will help you learn so much about yourself, strengthen your mind/body connection, and help you start to move yourself out of the pain you are feeling. Even if it is unconscious, your nervous system is downloading some information each session. Fascia is closely connected to the nervous system, so my manual treatment intrinsically helps figure out something new each time we meet. Furthermore, if you experiment with an exercise that we explored together, you are practicing something new which will further your development in your nervous system.
Make an appointment with me today to get started on your individual path to “better.” You can book an appointment online using my calendar here, shoot me an email at, or give me a call at (312) 498-6673.